This is how Quinn wakes up now - talking to his puppies. So cute! (cute videos at end of post)
As of November 19th, at 4 months old, Quinn weighed 13 lbs 14 oz, and was 25 inches long (50% in height, 30% in weight). So he's my tall skinny boy. He still gets away with wearing 3-6 month size clothes, and size 1-2 diapers. Oh, and he's TEETHING!! Goodbye sleep! He has a tooth already (bottom, center, left) and calmed down a bit after that one came through, but now he's working on the one next to it... he's drooling like crazy, biting and chewing like crazy, and poor kid cries when he's in a lot of pain... I guess that'll be my life for the next couple years. I miss him sleeping through the night!
I feel bad I haven't been posting too much lately... Things have been crazy, and my camera sucks (but I have a strong feeling Santa is bringing us one this year), so I have to use my phone for anything, and it has poor quality, etc, etc, etc.... End of story, I'll have a lot more to post come Christmas time.
I'm really excited for Christmas! I've been getting presents ready for about 2 months now, slowly putting them on our budget so we don't go in the hole in one week like usual. But now that my birthday is over (it was the 25th), I can finish getting things together, decorate, etc.
My birthday was pretty fun. I got a fake ring that'll fit my fat finger until I lose enough weight to wear my wedding ring again. My mom got me a sewing machine (YAY! FINALLY!) so I've been having fun with that. And my sweetheart got me this "Secrets of the Dead Sea" nail buffer, cuticle oil, and lotion. I had this stuff on my mission that someone gave me, and I loved it! So now I have it again, and my nails are shiny, and my hangnails are gone, and I'm happy! My sister, Brekke, came down and babysat for us so Josh could take me out to eat (Chuckarama because I was seriously craving the rolls) and to New Moon (SO much better than the first! I hated the first!). It was a fun evening.
Then for Thanksgiving, we went to Josh's family's house, took Brekke with us since she stayed the night and our family was sick. We had a lot of fun. I made Cherry Pies (a little heavy on the clove side, but still really good).
Other than that, we've just been sitting at home, playing playstation, playing with Quinn, getting sick off and on, dealing with teething, etc.
I feel bad I haven't been posting too much lately... Things have been crazy, and my camera sucks (but I have a strong feeling Santa is bringing us one this year), so I have to use my phone for anything, and it has poor quality, etc, etc, etc.... End of story, I'll have a lot more to post come Christmas time.
I'm really excited for Christmas! I've been getting presents ready for about 2 months now, slowly putting them on our budget so we don't go in the hole in one week like usual. But now that my birthday is over (it was the 25th), I can finish getting things together, decorate, etc.
My birthday was pretty fun. I got a fake ring that'll fit my fat finger until I lose enough weight to wear my wedding ring again. My mom got me a sewing machine (YAY! FINALLY!) so I've been having fun with that. And my sweetheart got me this "Secrets of the Dead Sea" nail buffer, cuticle oil, and lotion. I had this stuff on my mission that someone gave me, and I loved it! So now I have it again, and my nails are shiny, and my hangnails are gone, and I'm happy! My sister, Brekke, came down and babysat for us so Josh could take me out to eat (Chuckarama because I was seriously craving the rolls) and to New Moon (SO much better than the first! I hated the first!). It was a fun evening.
Then for Thanksgiving, we went to Josh's family's house, took Brekke with us since she stayed the night and our family was sick. We had a lot of fun. I made Cherry Pies (a little heavy on the clove side, but still really good).
Other than that, we've just been sitting at home, playing playstation, playing with Quinn, getting sick off and on, dealing with teething, etc.