Thursday, November 11, 2010

Big Boy!

Yes, my little baby is turning into such a big boy!  Quinn had his 15 month check up this week (yes, almost a month late).  His stats are as follows:

Height:  32.5 inches (75-90th percentile)
Weight:  21 lbs 8 oz (5-10th percentile)

I have a tall, skinny boy!  Yeah, like that was unexpected with Josh as his father... :P

Quinn just got a big boy bed.  He and Daddy got it last night and put it together for their Man's Night (when I am in class) while watching the CMA's.  Apparently they had a blast.  Josh told me that Quinn was a BIG help having to touch everything Josh took out of the box, playing with the styrofoam, and even helping to lose a bolt.

He likes it a lot.  He thinks it's pretty cool that he can get on and off by himself.  Last night he went right to sleep in it just fine.  And after only getting up twice, I put him down with a bottle and he was able to take a nap on it today, too.  Woo hoo!

He's also become quite the climber.  He's been able to climb up the couch and stairs for a while.  But with his increasing height, he now can climb up on the table when I'm not watching.  See how proud he is of himself?

And here he is trying to climb over the gate like we do.  He didn't get very far, luckily.

So I've been trying to make him learn to go down the stairs by himself.  He usually stands at the top, whining until Josh or I go and get him.  He's fine trying to come down if he's holding our hand, but I want him to do it by himself.  Here's his latest accomplishment:

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