Monday, April 16, 2012


Okay folks, here's the mural I've been talking up for a while now!  Quinn's castle has been done for a while now, and then I finished the tower a couple weeks ago, and then last week and over the weekend I painted the knight (aka Daddy, according to Quinn), and the dragon (whom Quinn gives hugs when he gets up in his tower).  They turned out pretty dang awesome, if you ask me!

(Click pics to view them larger)

Full view of the mural:

And yes, that's Rapunzel's hair coming out of the window - the knight has to be saving somebody, doesn't he?

The knight: Olrich Van Litchenstein's armor (from A Knight's Tale, a fave of ours), Aragorn's sword Anduril (Lord of the Rings - if I had to tell you that, I am deeply ashamed), and the McNeff clan shield

closer view of the sword:

And the shield:

RAWR!!!  (yes, it's sitting on top of the tower, and wraps around onto the other wall)

Sorry about the shine - my camera's flashless feature doesn't turn out very well, so this is the best I could do:

So... what do you think?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Nicci.... that is amazing you are so talented! Quinn will love it forever!