Thursday, October 9, 2008

Angels All Around

Things keep piling on us, and it's really hard to keep a smile on our faces. I just wish that bad things would stop happening to us! I honestly can't handle what's going on right now (I just try to ignore it) and won't be able to handle anything else. Even Josh is getting depressed, and that's really hard for him. We are just grateful for other people. When Dan and Evelyn came up for the BYU vs USU game, and watched the first session of conference with us, we had a really great time. Yes, BYU beat us, I expected that. But I did not expect the fact that we would score! Go Aggies! (And go cougars for Josh...) And then last night, after another long day of tears and stress and everything, we went to dinner with a couple that used to live in Reeder, and we had a lot of fun! They made this italian chicken stuff over rice, and I made a really yummy apple crisp for desert. Then we played games. We really haven't smiled that much in a long time. We both commented on how we needed it.


Shantel said...

Sorry to hear that things have been rough lately, good thing your so tough!

The Shepherd family said...

Make a list of blessings and hang it in a place that you will see often. I might help when you start feeling too overwhelmed. Remember you will always have you family behind you :o)

The Mitchells said...

You know that you have us, even if we are a couple of hours away. Look for the silve lining as President Hinckley said a few years ago. Kind of reminds me of that Michael Jackson song....

"You are not alone, I am here with you. Though we're far away, I am here to stay. You are not alone..."

Ok, so if you ever wondered if there was anyone besides Josh that just broke out into random song, wonder no more! Of course, I think the whole McNeff clan does it. It's fun. *Hugs Nicci and Josh* It'll be ok. Just stick with each other and Heavenly Father and everything will turn out alright.